Bharat Bhaishajya Ratnakar - 5 Volumes Set (Hindi)

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Author: Shri Nageendas Chhaganlal Shah Rasvaidyein
ISBN: 9788131919750
Imprint: B.Jain Regular





Bjain Publishers present “BHARAT BHAISHAJYA RATNAKAR -Ayurveda Granth” revised edition. Primarily in Sanskrit, the ancient Indian science of Ayurveda finds its literature writ- ten in various poetic meters which have been accurately translated in Hindi by the author for easy comprehension.

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Bjain Publishers present “BHARAT BHAISHAJYA RATNAKAR -Ayurveda Granth” revised edition. Primarily in Sanskrit, the ancient Indian science of Ayurveda finds its literature writ- ten in various poetic meters which have been accurately translated in Hindi by the author for easy comprehension.

The book intends to cater to the vast number of students of Ayurveda who shall turn into confident and competent Ayurveda practitioners in the modern world of today. The book is an exhaustive compilation in five volumes, of a vast range of ‘aushadhis’ found in varied ancient literature along with their preparation methodology explained in depth and with great accuracy.


The author keeps in mind the wide gap between the ancient quantifying systems and the currently accepted metric system. Therefore, with an intent to maintain easy compre- hensibility for a modern day student and practitioner of Ayurveda, the book delineates the quantity of the materials in the currently accepted measurement system besides “Shastriya Maan”, the then used measurements to quantify ingredients in the preparation of medicines. Fortified with a detailed index in the end, this book is an absolute go-to pharmacopoeia for any student of Ayurveda aspiring to prac- tice this ancient science in the most authentic way in the modern world.

Widely accepted as the most desirable and bona fide work in the world of Ayurveda, this book by Rasvaidya Shree Nagin- das Chhaganlal Shah is also the proud recipient of the au- thenticity award by the “INDIAN STANDARD BUREAU”.

Pages 3581
Format Paperback
Imprint B.Jain Regular
Language Hindi

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Shri Nageendas Chhaganlal Shah Rasvaidyein

In the year 1894 Lt. Rasvaidya Shree Nagindas Chhaganlal Shah, had put the foundation stone of UNJHA PHARMACY, with a noble goal to spread the fame of Ayurveda i.e around 125 years ago, in a town named UNJHA in north province of Gujarat.  After scrutinizing various ayurvedic authentic textbooks, Lt. Rasvaidya Shree Nagindasji, plucked 1100 formulations and started manufacturing these formulations. He dispensed ayurvedic drugs free of cost amongst the patients for 10 years.

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